Will a child member soon achieve majority? | Yes | No |
Is there a real risk that a member will soon become incapable? | Yes | No |
Is there a real chance that an adult will be added as a new member of the fund, or a member might leave the fund? | Yes | No |
Is there a real chance that a child member might be added who cannot be represented by an existing adult member (eg. parent)? | Yes | No |
Might the fund wish to raise a margin loan (eg. to borrow money to invest in shares)? | Yes | No |
Are you concerned by the fee you would have to pay to ASIC to form a company and the annual fee payable to ASIC? | Yes | No |
Is there a real danger of assets being mixed (eg. income of the fund being paid directly to a member by mistake)? | Yes | No |
Is there going to be just one member of the fund? | Yes | No |
If so, is there someone you can trust to be the second trustee? | Yes | No |
Is it out of the question that the members could fall out requiring a division of the fund? | Yes | No |
Are the only investments going to be cash (term deposits etc)? | Yes | No |
Might your fund wish to make an investment in real property? | Yes | No |
If so, will this be with money borrowed from a bank or similar? | Yes | No |
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