Terms and Conditions (including Information, Disclosures and Proposed Costs Agreements)
First, please find out more about my experience and services: about Jeremy Gordon.
When you instruct a lawyer, you will be given "information and disclosures" and you will probably be asked to enter into a "costs agreement", sometimes in the form of a client care letter. The information and disclosures are things you need to know or are entitled to know before entering into any agreement for legal work. A cost agreement is a legally binding agreement which governs your obligations to pay fees for the legal work. I never charge for any work done prior to giving these documents or receiving a signed costs agreement or client care letter.
If you purchase a document from this site, you will be given the necessary information and disclosures and you will be asked to agree the terms and conditions of a costs agreement prior to payment. For the sake of transparency you can view and download these in advance here. The document will appear in a new window. After the window appears, you can right click on the window to print or to save a copy.
If you wish me to advise in writing or do other work, then I will send you the necessary information and disclosures and ask you to agree a fee and terms and conditions before any chargeable work is done. The precise terms are affected by the nature of the work and the proposed fee for the work, and whether it is provided to you solely through my Australian practice or solely through by UK practice or a mixture of the two. It is also affected by whether you are a lay person (not a lawyer), or a solicitor or another professional, or acting as an intermediary. For this reason the information and disclosures and costs agreements and/or client care letters are bespoke documents and are difficult to give in advance.
Sorry but you will probably find that these documents contain some information which may seem inappropriate for the work which is done, but this is necessary to comply with the rules of my professional body (both in Australia and in England and Wales) and with the Legal Profession Act 2007.